Flashmag! Issue 128 April 2022 Flashmag! Avril 2022 | Page 35

Cathy Renoir : I am a committed artist , and I try to convey messages of struggle , respect , love and freedom . Having African , European and Amerindian origins , I have in my artistic approach oriented my way and my voice towards Africa , while listening to other continents . At random if you had to know what is your greatest pride ?
And what is your biggest regret if you have any ? Cathy Renoir : My greatest pride is my daughter and my grandson Cathy Renoir Flashmag and its readership say thank you for this cordial and open interview , good luck .
Cathy Renoir : Thank you Hubert and see you soon
Interview by Hubert Marlin Elingui Jr . Journalist
Flashmag ! Issue 128 April 2022