Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 97 September 2019 | Page 16


Flashmag September 2019 www.flashmag.net

Somewhere, a computer knows you. Not only your name and address, but at least some of your business activity and important facets of your personality. And this deep knowledge of humans does not benefit the large numbers but a caste of individuals who, because they have access to a certain knowledge, can easily manipulate the masses to achieve specific goals. The Cambridge Analytica scandal during the 2016 presidential elections in the United States is there to illustrate it better. And well before, in 2010 after having urged to vote more than 60,000 people previously targeted by their pro-democrats profile, in 2014, Facebook scientists manipulated newsfeeds of 689,003 users, removing all positive or negative posts to see how it affected their mood.

The researchers, led by data specialist Adam Kramer, discovered that emotions were contagious. "When positive expressions were reduced, people produced fewer positive messages and more negative messages - when negative expressions were reduced, the trend was reversed." These results would indicate that emotions expressed by others on Facebook influence our own emotions,

constituting experimental evidence of widespread contagion via social networks. An “emotional contagion” that can be used to manipulate crowds. One can remember the central pivot played by social networks in the Revolutions of Colors or the Arab Spring often fomented by American organizations like the NED National Endowment for Democracy or the Open Society of George Soros which has the means to afford the most sophisticated methods of manipulating the masses, to achieve their goals.

Beyond the manipulation of emotions by suggestive methods, in the hardware there are more and more electromagnetic guns that are often used against crowds in case of riots. electromagnetic waves that would aim, as in the Tokyo Rose * project, to propagate subliminal messages which will discourage and psychologically weaken protesters.

In this era of frequent travel, airport safety analysis has become a familiar part of our lives. If it is thought to be a minor intrusion, given the need for significant security at airports; however, with the new potentialities of technology in the field, weapons and explosives, are no longer the only reason for checkpoints.