Flashmag Digizine Edition Issue 82 June 2018 | Page 26


I'm just a musician, poet, politician, philosopher; all that they are other businesses where there are already many Masters. I simply advance on my way in music, and to please those who hear me, make them dance, and dream is already a great reward. I have no other claim.

A true musicologist somehow, in 2009 you were seen in Brazil working with the Symphony Orchestra of Sao Paulo, on what was this musical collaboration? What would you say to critics who feel that your music is too intellectual for the mass consumption?

What do you mean by musicologist?

A kind of emeritus professor in music regarding your achievements and experience ...

I'm not a musicologist even i have been there for a while now, I am a musician! I was invited by the Orquestra Jazz Sinfonica in Sao Paulo as a musician. The Maestro chose 13 pieces from my compositions and arranged them for his orchestra. Then I was invited to play in concert with the orchestra, as soloist. There is nothing mysterious about that, every month, the orchestra invites an artist whose works he reworked and presented in concert.

As for the music of "mass" as you say, I would say it takes all sorts to make a world, listen to my music those who want.

Speaking of the contemporary popular music and the newer generation of musicians who are flooding the market, what do you think of the fact that one has the impression of listening to the same thing every time, also what about the trend, which pour into the vulgarity of language and yet continue to perform well in the charts anyway? Is there a crisis of creativity in the music world?

On the market , there is music for all tastes and all ages, what you are referring to, is the music that is conveyed by the big media, what the Americans called "Mainstream", but to have a grand river, it takes a lot of small rivers and tributaries, if you are looking outside of these media, and businesses related to it, then you will find a host of artists who are very creative, which play perhaps not in stadium, but who exist despite the fact that people do not talk about to them. There is a vast public contented

Flashmag June 2018 www.flashmag.net

With this mainstream only, but there is also a public, perhaps less visible who seeks and finds something else.

with the phenomenon raised above, including the lack of real ingenuity some blame, the excessive formatting of the major’s production companies, what do you think? What about the fact that the artistic genius and creative freedom are lockdown by the strict rules of mass consumption?

The majors are no longer interested in creativity ,and it's been like that for awhile now. And for some years now, what happen to be more creative is no longer produced in the majors. Artists, and especially musicians (who are not, or rarely, “stars") have since found ways to produce their own music and are no longer signed in the majors. You must look beyond the charts and forget a little about MTV if you want to have a real vision of what is happening in the world of music, true creativity and freedom are of course outside this system.

If, the black music with artists of the northern hemisphere has gained acclaim what do you think of the original African music? In your opinion what is its place in the world stage? What should African musicians do, to better sell their art?

we should agree at first on what you call "original African music" to understand? What are you talking about? In a scale of a continent like Africa? With all the differences between, south, north east and west? Within our Nations, which are not even Nations, composed mostly of hundreds of ethnic groups with different languages ​​and music? Are you talking about